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Alex Bunker, Ph.D.

Group Leader

Alex Bunker received his PhD in Physics in 1998 (University of Georgia, USA). He obtained international research experience as a post-doctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz Germany (1998-2000). From 2000-2004 he served as Research Scientist at Unilever Research in Port Sunlight, UK. Since 2005, he has served as group leader in the CDR where he leads the Computational Nanomedicine Group. He has authored more than 20 research articles. Dr. Bunker has received funding from the Academy of Finland, CIMO, and the Emil Aaltonen foundation. He has also hosted students through the Erasmus program. Dr. Bunker’s main interest is molecular modeling applied to nanomedicines, including molecular modeling of neurochemistry, pharmaceutical nanotechnology, and gene therapy.

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