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Physical Pharmacy Group

Group Leader

Lasse Murtomäki receiced his Dr. Tech. in Chemical Engineering in 1992 (Helsinki University of Technology). He obtained international research experience as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Valencia, Faculty of Physics (1992-1994); the University of Limerick, Department of Chemistry (1994-1995); and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Chemistry (1995-1999). Since 2008, he has served as Group Leader in the CDR where he currently leads the Physical Pharmacy Group. Dr. Murtomäki also maintains a joint appointment with Aalto University, Department of Chemistry. He has authored more than 70 research articles, two textbooks, and chapters in edited volumes; and, he currently holds one patent. Dr. Murtomäki’s main interests are in electrochemistry, transport processeses, and physical pharmacy.


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